Saturday, April 28, 2007

Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of.” Discuss

Prejudice is defined as a biased opinion, like or dislike formed on somebody, that is not found on experience or reason, which may be considered as unreasonable. Prejudice is seen as a social norm that often leads to discrimination and being stereotype towards another group of people based on difference in race, social status and even physical ability. As prejudice is passed down to generations of people unknowingly, it has become a contagious disease that is widespread in this society. Hence, I agree that prejudice can never be get rid of and we can only try to minimize the level of being prejudice towards others.

Prejudice is inevitable and it is often inherited from strong influential family backgrounds. It is normally performed through the act of discrimination. Discrimination is thus the action or behaviour in which people used to display their prejudism. The most frequent type of prejudice that exists in the society today is racism. Although Singapore is a multiracial country where people of difference skin colour live in harmony under one roof, being racist towards people of different race still pretty much existed. For instance, in schools, the Chinese students still prefer to mix with Chinese students while Indians tends to socialize with friends of same race. In order to prevent discrimination form erupting in schools among students of different race, schools especially organize activities on racial harmony day to encourage students of different race to learn the culture heritage and traditions of each other. In this case, the effect of being prejudice can be reduced.


fallenstars said...

Hi! The colour combination of your blog is nice! Very colourful!
“Self introduction”: is short and to the point. I can feel your love for music and your interest towards biology. Yes, it is a good start.
“Youtube...”: I find your conclusion rather abrupt. You can try to add more examples of those unethical and unpleasant video clips. In addition, have a conclusion relating back to the topic title, instead of the example on the Thailand incident.
“Prejudice…”: I find your introduction paragraph quite good, defining the keywords of the topic. Example relating to Singapore’s context is good. You can include examples of prejudice through people status and physical abilities as you have stated eariler.
By: Felicia Lee Hui Ling 11/07 ;)

lifeless said...

good introduction to both the topics (:
your conclusion is rather abrupt. and your points are not really clear. work on them yar? :)
try to put in more supporting details for both topics
as for prejudice: maybe can add in timeline. how the blacks were treated before n what is the treatment they receive now?